This was my classroom last year when I started school in the Fall.

This is my room this year entering the new school season. Our school built a 9.9 million dollar school! They were able to raise 7.9 million dollars of that! Everything is new and CLEAN!
I have my own cabinets (that lock) and counter space!
This is the hallway with our gorgeous lockers!
I have a floor to ceiling window: it let's so much light in! I love it!
A nice large whiteboard.

I am so thankful that the Lord has provided us with a new school building. It will be so nice to start the school year out on a NEW foot:)
I have inservice meetings all this week and then we start with the kiddos on Monday! Please pray for a good school year.
It looks wonderful! I didn't realize your school was in such poor condition last year. Wow! Isn't a new school year so exciting? I just love the fresh start of a near year. Adam started in VB this week with new teacher training. I'll go back to my school next week for a week of setting up my room & a few meetings. We start on Sept. 2. Good luck!! I wish you a great year!
PTL! It looks so much better; I'll be praying for you. Hope you are feeling well.
yay!!! love the new classroom!! looks awesome!! and look at all that space! maybe this year you can really spread them full is your class this year?
I always enjoy seeing pictures like this, b/c it lets me see into your life a little bit more. Maybe someday, I'll get to poke my head in while your teaching!
Wow! What a difference! That would be so nice to have new facilities to use. PTL for His graciousness towards your school. Let me know how it goes. I'll be praying for you next week!
Love you!
Looks great was great to see you guys.
educators don't do seasons, julie -
we do semesters. :0
but the pics are awesome. we are very happy for you.
Logan - Elementary schools do not do semesters - we do quarters, which is basically by season - so whatever :)
That is STUNNING!!! Wow!
wow! What a difference! That must be a HUGE blessing;)
that is so exciting!! what a lovely classroom!!!
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