Friday, August 19, 2011

It's a renter's market...

 Still looking for housing and we are about one month away from being in Aberdeen, Scotland. I just read this little blurb on the "Aberdeen Women's Fellowship's" website.

"The renter’s market in Aberdeen is very competitive. Properties are often listed and taken within days, sometimes hours, making it difficult,although not impossible, to secure housing while still abroad. Many landlords require a personal viewing of the property before they will agree to rent it to you. If no one in your family is able to come early to look and secure a place, then you may need to wait until you arrive in Aberdeen before you find permanent housing. It is a good idea, if you are able, to start looking at what the market has to offer no more than 1-2 months before you arrive although you can start looking earlier to get an idea of what the market is like. Some properties will be “available for immediate entry” while others may list another entry date. Many flats and homes come fully furnished, which is particularly helpful for those moving from overseas."

Pray for me to have patience and faith in my mighty God! 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

It's Just Stuff

This weekend we had our last yard sale in an effort to get rid of all the things we can't ship to Scotland with us or that we don't feel are worth storing. Most of the girls' toys fall into that category. There are a select few little ones (pinky pie pony, panda pillow, and her special tea pot set...) that are dear friends of Madison's and are small enough to take with us. But for the most part, all we are taking is clothes, a few toiletries, our computers and U.S. measuring cups :) So it doesn't really make sense for me to store all of the girls' toys for three years when they won't be interested in them when they come back to the states in three years and they are 4 and almost 6 (ok - that's just crazy when I actually write it. Surely my girls will never be THAT old?)

So I spent Friday packing up most of their toys and many other things that I realized I just don't NEED. I had worship music playing while I was working and there were several times that I started to tear up as I would place something in the yard sale pile. I packed up Maddy's princess castle and enjoyed reminiscing about how she learned how to play make believe with that castle.
I remembered a sweet little stuffed animal that a dear friend had given her at my baby shower. She has grown up with these toys and there are so many fond memories that go along with them. I hadn't anticipated that the emotional element of giving our things away.

Funny though - she wasn't the one attached - I was. She hasn't even noticed her things are gone. She's just having fun playing in the empty moving boxes. I was the one that found myself attached to these "things". But as each new item went into the "For Sale" pile, my heart found deeper refuge in my Savior. I cried out to him in my sadness and asked for strength and hope. He is faithful. I was soon comforted by the wonderful truth that this is just "stuff". The toys, the cars (we just sold last week), the extra dishes, and clothes. It's not WHY I'm here on this earth. I was reminded that Where my treasure is, there will my heart be also.  I was created to bring honor and glory to my Father Jesus. This move is helping me to see things a little more clearly-without all of the "stuff"of this world clouding my view.

Phil. 3:14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Summertime Gaze?

I don't know about you, but I often struggle to keep my gaze cast towards Christ during one of the most beautiful time of the year. Maybe it's just the late nights and business of activities, but this short article by John Piper was a much needed encouragement and challenge for me tonight. 
I love Piper's encouragement, "Don’t let summer make your soul shrivel. God made summer as a foretaste of heaven, not a substitute. If the mailman brings you a love letter from your fiancé, don’t fall in love with the mailman. That’s what summer is: God’s messenger with a sun-soaked, tree-green, flower-blooming, lake-glistening letter of love to show us what he is planning for us in the age to come—“things which eye has notseen and ear has not heard, and which have not entered into the heart of man, God has prepared for those who love him"- I Corinthians 2:9. "

The solution?   "If then you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth."  Colossians 3:1-2

It was just the reminder that I needed that no matter how busy I am this summer (and oh boy is this a busy one) to take every chance I get to turn my heart and mind to the things of Christ. For me 
personally that means a few things:

1. Getting up a tad earlier to get in The Word. I truly want my mind filled with scripture so that I am not tempted to doubt the goodness of my Heavenly Father.
2. Savoring each beautiful moment as a gift from God that points to His own majesty and should cause me to give glory to Him!

Saturday, August 06, 2011

1 month shy of a YEAR!?

Seriously, how is it possible that my little baby is almost 1 year old?! I have just loved my days with Rose. She is such a sweet and mellow baby. But it as been fun to see her little personality start to peak out lately as she interacts with Maddy and us.

Ready to go to the park! She LOVES her Daddy :)
What's NEW:
* Two little bottom teeth (but she can still mash about any table food!)
* Says: dada, mama, ah duh (all done, and also does the sign), shakes her head for no
* Favorite foods: bananas, peaches, cheerios, chicken, cheese, and (gasp) peanut butter and jelly ;)
* Crawling around super fast these days (this is definitely her preferred method of transportation)
* Cruises around the furniture to get where she wants to go and walks holding onto our hands. But she doesn't seem to interested in walking alone quite yet, which I am totally fine with :)
* Sleep: she is a wonderful sleeper. She and Maddy share a room and are awake around 7am each morning. I think if Rose slept in her own room, she would probably sleep til 8. But it all evens out because she will usually take a nice 2 hour morning nap for me from 9-11. Then she takes another 2 hour nap from 1-3 (right when Maddy naps!). Then she goes back to bed for the night at 6pm. She doesn't even fuss when I lay her down any more- just plays until she falls asleep!

*Giggles and Smiles: she has become much more giggly, which I love! Things that make her giggle: playing peek-a-boo, when we take her pacifier and hide it behind our backs or pretend to put it in our mouth, when anyone else laughs or giggles, when she sees Maddy after nap time.
*Frustration: SHe has just started to show her frustration with Madison when she takes a toy from or is "too close for comfort". She'll squawk and flap her arms to get Maddy away. It's kind of funny.

* A Partner in crime - Rose as become Maddy's partner in crime. The other day I found them both quietly sitting on the floor of their room sucking sugar from the sugar bowl with straws!!

oh dear - what am I going to do with these girls? Oh -ok, I guess I'll keep them :) LOVE them so much!
Rose love to be EVERYWHERE that Maddy is :)
Rose we are so glad that you are a part of our family. You are so special to us! We love to see you grow bigger every day!

Monday, August 01, 2011

They Call It This in Scotland

Life has been pretty crazy lately preparing for our move. But one of my favorite things to do in my *ahem* "free time" has been to read up on "Life in Scotland". There is a great website I have been frequenting called, Aberdeen Women's Fellowship. It's set up primarily to help families coming from many parts of the world to the University of Aberdeen with their transition. It's been so helpful! I found this list, "They Call It This" and had to laugh. Enjoy :)

They Call It This
aubergine (eggplant)
bap (roll)
banger (sausage)
candy floss (cotton candy)
courgette (zucchini)
mange tout (snap peas)
jelly (jello)
tatties (potatoes)
neeps (turnips)
swede (rutabaga)
polenta (corn meal)
crisps (potato chips)
chips (french fries)
corn starch (corn flour)
porridge (oatmeal)
tea (dinner/supper)
stovies (stew-like leftovers)
coriander (cilantro)
non-brewed condiment (white vinegar)
streaky bacon (regular bacon like in the U.S. full of fat!)
icing sugar (powdered sugar)
mince (ground meat)
bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)
rocket (arugula)
sweetie (candy)
biscuit (cookie)
white sponge (white cake)
custard (pudding)
pudding (dessert)
spring onion (scallion)
jacket potato (baked potato)