Tim did a fabulous job this year for my Birthday. It was the big 3-0 and I was feeling a bit ambivilent about it. Whatever -we all get older right.? The actual day was on January 13th on a Thursday night, and I thought we were just going to celebrate quietly with homemade pizza Thursday night and a dinner out just the two of us Saturday night. It turned out to be MUCH MUCH MORE!
It all started with Friday afternoon when he told me that He and his friend Ryan would be coming over to the house around 2pm to hang out for a bit and catch up. Which to me meant that I wanted to make sure the house looked half decent and that I am not in my sweatpants and a tank top or nursing a child when they walk in-ha!
Well, he walked in by himself (said Ryan would be there later) and he handed me a card that said a lot of sweet things, but ended with the idea that this would be a Birthday that I would never forget -hmm... Then he said my present was out in the hallway! I was like, WHAT?! What would he get me that was too big to bring in and wrap? So I opened the door and saw my best friend DAWN from Boston was standing in the hallway! I flipped out!!! I was screaming and hugging Dawn and then hugging Tim - yahoo!!! What a wonderful surprise! You may have seen the video that he posted on facebook - that I will not post here. I looked a bit too ridiculous ;) He had worked out all of the details with her husband and Nate agreed to fly Dawn out here and to watch the kiddos for her. Thanks Nate!

It was so wonderful because we got to to hang out and catch up for a few hours before we left for dinner. Tim had told me that he had planned reservations for Dawn and I to have dinner at one of my favorite restaurants here in Chicago-
Hot Chocolate.
So we drove out there together casually ad when we walked in, the hostess walked us the whole way back to the this little curtained in room and I noticed familiar faces just as everyone yelled -surprise! I was SHOCKED for the second time that day! I had such a lovely time with all of my girlfriends enjoying some fabulous food and warm fellowship. My dear friend Kelly had helped to organize it all for Tim and had decorated our little room so beautifully!
Thanks Kelly for all of your help!
The whole gang - so fun! |
Kim and Helen |
Katie and Claire |
Stacey and Kelly! |
Dawna and I :) |
To DIE FOR Mac and Cheese! |
Great Burger Dawn got |
Fabulous Chocolate Dessert and Hot Chocolate of course too! |
Then Saturday night Dawn watched the girls so that Tim and I could go out for dinner just the two of us! Tim knows me so well and planned the best weekend ever for me with all of my favorite things ;) It will certainly not be a Birthday that I will soon forget ;) Thanks baby - you're the best!