The Baylor family has had a fun but busy summer! In June we drove to PA to visit both sides of our family. It was so wonderful spending time with everyone again!
She loved spending time with Tim's sister's children as well. We got time to spend with Tim's parents as well. Madison was just so spoiled with all of the attention!

We also got to spend some time with my twin sister Rachael, her little boy jordan, my parents and my brother Josh. The kids had a great time in the pool!
Then back in Chicago - we have spend plenty of time enjoying life.
Maddy trying on mama's shades
When I was going through all of her old shoes - she just had to sit down and try them all on to see if they still fit. She is such a girl!

Tim, Maddy, and I have all gone on some nice walks through the forest preserve
We have a pol at the condo we rent, so we have spent plenty of time there this summer! It's best when Tim is able to come down with us because we can take turns watching Maddy while the other does a few laps- great exercise for a VERY pregnant mama ;)

We have also enjoyed having friends over for play dates. Suzanne D and her sweet children, Gavin and Charlotte spent time at the pool with us this day. Madison loves spending time with Charlotte - although Suz and I have found they are starting to cat fight at times too - oh dear - it starts early!

We have also enjoyed going to parks! This day, Madison enjoyed spending time with Tovie Olson (our youth pastor and his wife's little 2 year old). They were adorable. Tovie would reach out and grab Madison's hand to walk with her and Maddy would just giggle and giggle.. it was so cute!

We even had a play date with a puppy! Our friends Katie and Dave Smith bought a new golden retriever puppy and they just loved playing together.

On one of Tim's days off, we went down into the city for a day of walking, eating, and of
Tim and I got a quick shot of ourselves while Madison was playing - see her right in the background above my head?! haha- too funny!
There has also been lots of reading going on this summer as Madison is finally sitting down for a whole book - even a few books in a row now! She will usually bring them to us to read to her. And I have been taking part in "Half Priced Books" Summer reading program. If I read to her 15 min a day for 5 days a week, I can get a $3 voucher for a book. So we have gotten some fun new board books!
Most recently, we got together with Kim Yoakum and her sweet boys Michael and Graham. Madison and Michael have such a nice time together!

I guess that's it for now. I have thoroughly enjoyed this summer off to spend with my husband, daughter, friends, and family! It's been such a blessing. Time has been flying by and I can hardly believe there are only about 3 weeks until Rose is due to arrive!