Here are some pics of the local village of Liberty Ville.
Isn't it quaint! I really would like to live there :o)

Here is a picture of the one and only D. A. Carson at Trinity :o) Yes, I'm a dork... I sneaked to the back to go to the bathroom and snapped this of him !

Ok... so all went so well while we were there. We got to look at many apartments, and even had some great job interviews!
We met a woman whose father in law is the Superintendent of Public Schools in Northbrook district. I got to interview with him and the possibilities look good. This is me all dressed up in my new suit holding my professional portfolio..hee.. hee..

We hit a rough patch about 2-3 hours outside of the airport... when our flight was suppose to leave . I realized that I did not have my purse. We went to the hotel, every building on campus at TEDS, and most restaurants that we could remember. It was no where! We don't know for sure, but we think it was stolen, while we were in the city! Soooo.... that was Tuesday night. They would not let me on the flight without my ID. So I filed a police report and we were able to get on the plane the next day... we missed an extra day of work and had to stay an extra night! Soooo ... God is sovereign.. through " GOOD " and through "BAD".