Settler's of Catan:
my new favorite!

Settler's of Catan has become my new favorite game! It is a board game that is a mix between Risk and Monopoly. It takes about 1-2 hours to play, but it is such a blast! I think I like it so much because it's one thing that I actually have a chance at beating Tim at :o) Although, I have to sadly admit that he beat me for the first time last weekend!
These are a few of our friends from the area that we play with. They are such great people! In the top left picture is Mr.and Mrs. Jennings. They are the parents of Amanda Jennings (bottom right). They were visiting from Iowa for a few days. In the top right is Natalie Trach, her baby Allie, and Dawn Mihelis.

The next picture down on the left is Katie Barker and her husband Tim Barker, along with Scott Logan and his wife Lindsay Logan.

The next picture down on the left is Katie Barker and her husband Tim Barker, along with Scott Logan and his wife Lindsay Logan.
On the right is Tim, Natalie, Dawn Mihelis, and her husband Nate Mihelis.