Well, Thankgiving was fabulous! We of course missed being with family, but we are thankful that we have good friends here in Chicago. We had lunch with some of the college kids from church that couldn't make it home and then had dinner with our dear friends, the Barkers. Katie had a lovely table set for us and made an amazing (looking and tasting) turkey! We had such fun reminiscing God's goodness with them.
This is a pic of the table after dinner. I totally forgot to take pictures unttil the whole meal was over! Katie posted some more pics she took with her camera at "Kate's Journeys" if you want to check them out.
Afterwards Katie and I checked out the Black Friday deals. I hadn't been planning on going out, but some of the deals were so good, I just couldn't pass them up!
We were being pretty silly by the end of the night ;) Katie also posted some great pics of our shopping escapade starting at 4:30 the next morning!
Last weekend Maddy and I traveled to Missouri for my brother Tim and his wife shannon's baby shower.
We left early Friday morning and left to come home Sunday morning. Each way we were on the road for about 11 hours. I was terribly afraid that she would freak out the entire way and I would be pulling my hair out by the end of it. But she really was so great!
We found a great public library half way in St. Louis for Maddy to get out and play.
She loved watching the big kids color!
Playing in the bucket
Then I let her sit in a high chair to eat her lunch at Noodles (on the way) and Fazzoi's (on the way back). We had a lot of fun together!
When we did stop, I tried to make the stops just a little longer than normal so she would go crazy. On the way there she was a dream! She just played, ate snacks, drank her bottle, or slept. - I was completely amazed! On the way back she was pretty fussy about an hour an a half before bedtime. But once it was completely dark and it was bedtime (about 2 hours from home) she was sound asleep! Overall, she was a trooper!
I had a wonderful time visiting with family there and
"representing the Jordan Family" with our combined famly gift -haha!
Saturday evening, my brother and I were playing with Maddy and she took her first steps! It was so exciting! I really didn't think I would be THAT excited, but it was just thrilling -ahha! Shannon got a video of it that you can see on facebook here.

Other than that, now I am in the rat race to finish everything before Christmas: Maddy's b-day party for friends, 3 more classes (Sat, Mon, and Tuesday) and the homework that goes along with them. As well as Christmas cards, packing, college luncheon on saturday and a few other holiday events.It's such a fun time a year, but so busy too! We leave for PA on the 16th! Whoohoo!
Hope the rest of your days before Christmas (only 15 now ;) are Merry!
Wow- what a whirlwind trip! Sounds like fun, though, and your pictures of Madison are precious :) It was great talking to you on your long drive home. Love you!
what a good little girl you have!!
i can't believe how brave you are to travel all that way by yourself with maddy!! wow! i'm impressed! great job! happy birthday to that sweet little girl =) i had to do a double take at the ticker at the top of your blog...thought for a second it was a new baby coming!! yipes!
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