I can hardly believe it but tomorrow our baby girl turns 1 year old! The year has just flown by. It has been such a wonderful year! I can remember this night last year, trying to get to sleep knowing that tomorrow I would be meeting Madison. She has brought so much joy to our lives - more than we had ever imagined! As Tim wrote in her birthday card, "this has been the best year our family has had yet ;) " I agree. We love one another so much and we have really enjoyed sharing our love and the love of God with our little one. We pray continually that we will be a good example for her and that she will grow up to be a young lady after God's own heart.
Madison has been taking lots of steps here and there by herself while she is playing, although she prefers to crawl still. She giggles and smiles a lot- especially when people are watching her!
She is learning how to drink out of a sippy cup little by little. I am planning on trying to make the big transition to cow's milk and the cup when we get back home to Chicago. She is jabbering up a storm, but only consistently saying mama, dada, and noanana (which is no no -haha- she repeats it after I say it! It's so hard not to laugh ;)
The following are some pics I got of Madison at JCPenny a little over a week ago. They had such a good day going on!
I can't believe she is 1 ?!?!

We had a small party for friends in Chicago. I had a little kiddie station of snacks and party favors set up.
Maddy's friend Michael
Pink, white, and brown m&m's ;)
Her "Birthday Bear" that we got her. She giggles every time I press the paw and it plays the "Happy Birthday" song.
My first time trying my hand at the frosting piping for the cupcakes. It was fun!
People came in shifts so it worked out well since we have a pretty small condo.
Katie and Madison
She was not sure what to think of the cupcakes at first!
Then she dove in!
You did a great job decorating everything for her first birthday! How fun. I so agree that the first year does go by so quickly, and it is so much fun! She is such a cutie!
Happy first year of being a mom! You've done a great job. I hope you have a special day tomorrow - and I hope you teach Maddy well, on the importance of birthdays.
awwwwwwwww....what a CUTIE! Has it really been a year already?! You both have adjusted to life with a little one so well....you're an example to me for when the time comes for us! :)
Happy birthday to Madison! What a cutie - it's obvious that she brings so much joy to your lives. :)
She is too cute for words! What a fun little party too. Happy Birthday, Maddie!
love those pics from jcp - so cute!
the party looks beautiful too!
Happy birthday, sweet Madison! I still remember seeing you via Skype after Elyse was born... Who would have thought our babies would be 2 days apart??
So sweet, Jules! I can't believe how fast the time goes. It sounds like you are enjoying every day, though!
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