This bottom one is a little skeleton looking - but it is still neat to see :)

Other than her swimming around everywhere, our little girl was very healthy: great heart-rate, great size and growth. Everything was great! We were so happy. Secretly, I had known it was a little girl from the very beginning. We are so excited! Tim says he's ready to have "Daddy's little Girl". So bring on the pink!
We almost have a name picked out, but we aren't 100% on it right now - so we will let that cat out of the bag later on.
We are so thankful to the Lord for a healthy growing baby girl. He is so very good!
Congratulations! I am so excited for you guys!
Congrats!! That is so awesome!! I am sure she will be a daddy's girl!!
Congrats!! I am so happy for you two. GIrls are the best :)
how fun! girls are much easier to buy for i will say that much! i didn't realize you were already so far along..i'm sure it feels like it's been a long time for you though. :) people always think it goes fast when they're the one not pregnant! :)
Yay! A little girl! I am SO happy for you! I can't wait to meet Miss Baylor!
Congrats, you guys! We're slightly partial, but little girls are SO fun! Wait til Tim gets a load of those little girl emotions! Wow! Seriously, she will be such a joy to you, and we can't wait to see pictures of her!
yahoooooo!!! we love our baby girl; i know you'll love yours too. travis is so very much in love with her. jules, you're about to be replaced! =) it's such great fun. praise the Lord!
yay! I'm so excited for you both! I cannot even picture Timmy (he'll probably not like me calling him Timmy) with a little baby girl! I can't believe it! Congratulations!
Yeah! Congrats Baylors! Now Kate will have a playmate! Wah hoo! We are thrilled and will continue to pray that little Miss Baylor continues to grow healthy!
so fun to have a little girl! she is looking good! (and you too. :)
Yeah! Congratulations Julie--I'm so excited for you! I know you & Tim will be great parents. Can't wait to see pictures of the new addition to your family!
Wasn't it amazing to see her!! We loved our ultrasound too - made us all the more excited!!
Congrats and happy pick room decorating!!
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