I tend to drive Tim crazy on this one. I usually like for him to surprise me on special occasions (although sometimes I do enjoy surprising him too!) But then I usually bug him for days on end prior to the day asking what we are going to do. He usually responds, "Don't worry about it. I've got it all under control". Which if you know my husband, either means 1.) He really does have it all planned out already and just doesn't want to tell me or 2.) I have been too busy to think about it -but I will get to it before the actual day ;) -haha - I love you sweetie!
I just thought this needed a picture - so here is one of Tim and I in VA in 2005
Most of the time Valentine's Day for us is not a major event. We save those for our Anniversary :) On V-Day, we usually go out for a nice meal together and then often buy a combined gift for our home. Our first year we got ourselves a coffee table from Pier 1 (I know - romantic, right?). But decorating our home is something we really enjoy doing together.
Just for kicks, I thought it would be interesting to link to the past posts I have done on Valentine's day.
So how about you? Any plans brewing in your head yet? Who usually does the planning?
Oh and I couldn't go without posting a new pic of our little peanut :)