Well, I made it through my first two weeks of teaching. It has been quite a challenge as I have 19 fourth grade students this year that are QUITE the handful! And - as you can see - I am starting to get pretty big. So I have been coming home pretty tired at night. With this group of kids, I can't really find much time to sit down. So my ankles are starting to swell and those lovely varicose veins are popping out (yuck!).
Tim has been great when I come in the door and just collapse on the couch for a half hour before making dinner. And of course I am super emotional - so a couple of nights a week, I come home crying saying that I will never make it through!
And then the next morning after a good night's rest, I feel fine. So I know that I can do it. I just have to trust in the Lord to find new strength and patience for each new day.
Other than that - things are going very well. Tim got a part-time job at the church working with the college kids and he is still working at Starbucks part-time. He is taking 10 credits this semester. That means next semester he will only have one more class and a thesis to write. Lord willing, he will GRADUATE MAY 2009!!! We are so excited at that prospect.
The church says that they would like to evaluate their budget in January to see if they can offer him a full time position with benefits. So you can pray about that.
I guess that's about it for now. I hope you all are doing well as we head into this Autumn season.